Jackson Preece
01989 768555
TO LET - INDUSTRIAL/WAREHOUSE - 6B/6C, Alton Business Park, Ross on Wye
Arrange a viewing

Ref: 10620

These particulars are prepared with care, but are not guaranteed and do not constitute, or constitute part of, an offer or contract. Intending purchasers must satisfy themselves of these particulars' accuracy by inspection or otherwise, since neither the vendor, nor Jackson Preece Surveyors, shall be responsible for statements or representations made. The Vendor does not make or give, and neither Jackson Preece Surveyors nor any person in their employment, has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to this property. We would strongly advise anyone wishing to view this property to contact us first, particularly if travelling any distance, to confirm availability and to discuss any material facts relating to it which are of importance to them and we will endeavour to verify such information.

TO LET - INDUSTRIAL/WAREHOUSE - 6B/6C, Alton Business Park, Ross on Wye

TO LET - Modern Workshop/Warehouse

Unit 6B & 6C Alton Business Park, Ross On Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 5NB

5139 sq ft
£36,000 pa

The popular market town of Ross On Wye is situated at the end of the M50 in South Herefordshire. The M50 provides convenient access to the M5 motorway to the East and South Wales and the M4to the West via the A40.

Alton Business Park is located off Alton Road which is a well established area predominately comprising of commercial occupiers.

Unit 6B and 6C are two modern mid terrace industrial units of portal steel frame construction with profiled and insulated cladding to the elevations under a pitched, profiled and insulated roof.

• Both properties have mezzanine storage floors installed
• Access between units via door on mezzanine level
• Insulated up and over electrically operated loading doors
• WC facilities
• Surfaced yard and car parking areas with unit 6C benefiting from a secure metal fencing around its perimeter
• Eaves height of approx. 6m

Water, drainage and three phase electricity are connected to the property.

NOTE : None of the services have been tested by Jackson Preece Surveyors.

The property is available by way of a new sub lease on Full Repairing And Insuring terms.

Further details available from the letting agents.


£36,000 per annum exclusive

The 2023 Rating list shows the properties are described as ‘ Workshop and Premises’ with a Rateable Value of £16,250 per unit

VAT is chargeable on the rental

Each party will be responsible for their own legal fees involved in the transaction

All viewings with prior appointment with Jackson Preece Surveyors and Property agents

Contact us about Unit 6B & 6C Alton Business Park, Ross On Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 5NB

If you have a query or would like to arrange a viewing of this property, please complete the form below and one of our team will be in touch shortly.

Jackson Preece

6 High Street
Ross On Wye, HR9 5HL

01989 768555

RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors